Continuity of office is another feature of a legal rational authority, where an organization continues to function even when an official is removed from office; there are many reasons that can cause an official to be out of office, for instance sickness, death, maternity leave or …show more content…
A rational organization also needs record keeping to be done; this is vital for any organization because decisions made and all information must be recorded and retained. The most essential part is that the organization must not forget any decisions made as inconsistencies will occur. In any case an organization without proper records would be disorganized, inefficient and would cause chaos. For instance if an organization such as ministry of lands didn’t have any proper records management department, one wouldn’t know who owns which piece of land as the probability of many people paying for the same land would be high and possibly bring about conflicts. Records keeping eliminates such problems by retaining records for each and every person who owns land in the country, another example would be given of a bank system