But then just to top it all off my cousin learned how to read. After that is when i really wanted to learn how to read but not only did I want to learn but i wanted to be good. Not just good I had to be better than my cousin, and be able to read faster and understand it quicker. So that's when I asked my dad for help. My father is a great reader, so I learned fast cause he was also a great teacher. He was so happy when he found out I wanted to read.
Every night we would read Lord of The Rings together him a page then I read one. That's the first book I read, I was in 2nd grade at the time. That's pretty much all I remember about reading, I do know I had great vocabulary back then. I always thought it was from reading, because I would read big books with vocabulary I did not understand. So I would look it up, ask my dad, or just figure it out by myself. I also had a 6th grade reading level in third grade. I don’t read much anymore and I’d rather play video games or hang out with friends. But there you have it the story on how I learned how to