Leadership In Whale Rider

Improved Essays
In the film Whale Rider, they are arguing that we should not hold people back and that we need to give people the opportunity to prove themselves. It is also important to have good leadership when going through a difficult period of time. When Koro was trying to teach the boys how to be like a leader, he took them out onto the ocean in a boat and went out deep. He threw his necklace that had a whale tooth on it and told the boys to go and retrieve it. However, none of the boys had actually made it up with the necklace so they had ended up leaving. Later Pai went out with her aunt and uncle and they had said that Koro threw his necklace into the water and none of the boys had gotten it. So Pai thought it would be a good idea to go and retrieve it, and had jumped into the water to go and get it and ends up coming up with a lobster and the whale tooth necklace. Pai gave the necklace to Koro’s wife who later gives it to Koro. This shows that Pai has the qualities and confidence of a leader. …show more content…
Panicked he gathered a bunch of people to go and try to get the whales off of the beach. They had even brought a tracter down to the beach to help turn them around but none of what they had tried had worked. Everyone was walking away sad because they were not able to get any of the whales off of the beach when Pai had gone back to the biggest one that Paikea had once rode on and climbed atop of it and at that moment the whale had turned itself around and all of the other whales were going to start following. Now the whale and Pai go swimming away sometimes above and under the water. Pai getting onto the whale shows that she is the one that is supposed to be come the new leader. Koro realizes this after he found out that Pai was the one that had gotten his necklace for him and now she is riding the whale that Paikea had once rode

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