Later Start Time Persuasive Essay

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Aidan, a sophomore in high school, faces the struggle every morning to get up out of bed since he stood up all night doing his homework assignments after cross country practice. Similarly, Aidan faces the same problem as the common teenager. Teens go against the difficult task of trying to get enough sleep, but it is hard when extracurricular activities, sports, and large quantities of homework get in the way. Therefore, this leads to them not getting the proper amount of time for their bodies to rest and recovery. A simple solution would be to propose a 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. bell schedule. With this schedule, teens will have the energy to have a more productive day. Also, teens will have more time to prepare for school in the morning. A later start time would be beneficial in productivity increases, more time for morning preparation, and the fact that extracurricular activities and sports would not have an effect on this change. First and foremost, the later start time would allow for productivity increases in students. Having eight hours of sleep would keep a student focused on learning, rather than feeling tired. Also, students with homework can stay up until twelve and wake up at eight while still getting their full eight hours as well as having time to prepare in the morning. Furthermore, schools who have a 9:30 a.m. start time perform better academically than students with earlier start times. Statistics from the US Department of Education has stated that only one in six high schools start at 8:30 or later, not allowing for an adequate amount of sleep. An 8:30 a.m. start time is not enough. The Centers for Disease Prevention and Control states that two out of three high school students sleep less than the recommended eight hours, and they come with negative side effects. Not getting enough sleep during the critical teen years can cause obesity, show a decline in physical activity, cause depression, are more likely to engage in drugs and alcohol, and cause declines in school performance. For example, if Cece, an excellent Honors/AP high school student who participates in a variety of extracurricular activities and sports gets home at six p.m. She takes an hour to complete her nightly routine, such as eating dinner. Once she finishes her routine, she has an entire case of homework that she must complete. She completes her homework assignments by midnight and she has to wake up at six to catch the bus. Therefore, she is not getting an adequate amount of sleep which can cause poor performance throughout her day, which, in essence, will cause her to get lazy, slack off, and not focus on her work. Thus, causing her grades to drop considerably; however, a solution to this issue would be to change school start times to 9:30 a.m. Even if she must stay up to finish her homework at midnight, she still has time to get eight hours of sleep and arrive to school by 9:30 a.m. She will be more attentive during her classes which will impact her positively. These increases in …show more content…
Teens will have an ample amount of time to prepare themselves. Additionally, many students will have the time to eat breakfast, which average students do not usually accomplish. A study released by the Share Our Strength’s No Kid Hungry campaign shows that there are positive effects that come with breakfast, such as higher academic scores and better attendance. The earlier start time will allow for adequate time to eat breakfast. Thus, this will positively impact students. Harvard Medical School research indicates that lack of sleep causes irritability, stress, depression, anxiety, and sleeping disorders while a sufficient amount of sleep helps one feel refresh and overall enhances their well being. Therefore, students will feel more enthusiastic and ready to learn for the school day. For example, when abrupt hazardous weather conditions come and Culpeper Schools calls for a two-hour delay schedule, it gives me more time to prepare myself in the morning. I have time to prepare all of my morning tasks, which helps me feel freshened and ready to begin my day. In turn, I feel attentive and feel like I absorb more information in my courses as opposed to a normal school

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