Later School Start Time

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The average teenager needs 8-10 hours of sleep each night to maintain a healthy lifestyle, according to the National Sleep Foundation. Their circadian rhythm causes them to want to fall asleep around 11:00 pm and need approximately 9 hours of sleep every night, which result in teenagers waking up later too. A good solution would be to have a later school-start time. However, problems that might have been overlooked in the past are now resurfacing. All of these situations suggest a later start time is not a viable solution.

After school community resources, will not be able to be accessed as long. Some students go to different learning opportunities after school, such as the public library. However, if high schools start dismissing an hour later, a fairly large chunk of time will be taken from that possible study time. Several high schools have built in libraries that are accessible even after school but, they are very expensive and hard to maintain. Public access locations might have a larger variety too.

Teachers will get less time with their families. All teachers show up long before school starts and long after it ends. If time changes to an hour later, teachers will get even less time at home and will probably lose even
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First, if the activities are still being held after school, this holds some restrictions for the student. The student involved in the activity will not get home until much later and will still have to do things like eat dinner, bathe, and homework too. A suggestion would be to move activities before school start time, but, that would also serve as a problem. Students participating in activities would have to get up just as early, if not earlier than they would have to if the school times remained normal. For certain activities, such as sports, a feeling of drowsiness could lead to sleep-related injuries due to the fact that the participant did not get enough

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