What it is and what they do.
Late-term abortion is a type of abortion that happens anytime after the end of the first trimester and is …show more content…
The controversy that happens are based on three different opinions there are the pro-life people who believe that the baby should have a choice in what happens to him or her. Also, there is lean way in what they believe in such as if the woman was raped, in danger of her own life, or that the baby was at risk. Then there are the pro-choice people who believe that the mother should have complete say in what happens to the fetus.
These people have lots of reasons to believe that late-term abortion should be legal. One of the main reasons for pro-choice is that woman should have full say in their bodies. Top Pro & Con Arguments explains, “Reproductive choice empowers woman by giving them control over their own bodies. The choice over when and whether to have a child is central to women's independence and ability to determine her future” (ProCon.org). Although Women’s body rights is the most common reason there are others such as women not being able to access abortion services earlier because of financial issues. In the article Main Should Legalize Late-Term Abortion the writer explains that, woman have a difficult time getting a hold of “abortion services” because they can not afford to have an abortion. The article continues to say, “In a 2004 study, 36 percent of women who underwent abortions during the second trimester or beyond reported …show more content…
“Your Developing Baby: Week 20.” Parents, 2010, www.parents.com/pregnancy/week-by-week/20/your-growing-baby-week-20/. Accessed 20 Nov. 2017.
Holst, Linda. “Maine Should Legalize Late-Term Abortions.” Portland Press Herald [Portland, ME], 5 June 2016, p. D.4. SIRS Issues Researcher, sks.sirs.com/webapp/article?artno=386065&type=ART. Accessed 8 Nov. 2017.
“Late-Term Abortion.” Operation Rescue, 2014, www.operationrescue.org/about-abortion/late-term-abortion/. Accessed 20 Nov. 2017.
“Late-Term Abortion Information and Procedures.” Association for Natural Psychology, 15 May 2015, www.winmentalhealth.com/late_term_abortion_information.php. Accessed 16 Nov. 2017.
“Top Pro & Con Arguments.” ProCon.org, 17 may 2017, abortion.procon.org/. Accessed 8 Nov. 2017.
“U.S. House Votes to Ban Late-Term Abortions on Babies Who Feel Pain.” Life Site, 3 Oct. 2017. LifeSiteNews, www.lifesitenews.com/news/breaking-u.s.-house-votes-on-banning-late-term-abortion-on-babies-who-feel. Accessed 8 Nov.