Stories of the Kraken come from many parts of the worlds and all the stories give a different view of the sea creature. In Scandinavian stories and tales, …show more content…
In the 1930’s, people found creatures that were related to the Kraken, but they were very small compared to the actual Kraken, and those creatures were attacking ships three times. The creatures mistaken the ships for a whale and that was the reason that they attack, but because of that, they were later captured and killed. Another encounter took place in Japan were scientist think that they have found a Kraken-like squid close to the Ogasawara Islands. The squid that they have found is silver, 10 feet long, and was found close to the shoreline. They thought it was the 40 foot long Kraken that lived in the thirteenth century shorelines of Norway and Greenland. There were many other Kraken encounters like when the CEPESMA found a large squid of the shorelines of Asturias. This squid has a total length of about 13 meters long and another one later on in the year. The other squid was also found by the shore, it was called Architeuthis, and it was 20 meters long and weighed 1,000 kilograms. These Kraken-like organisms helped by giving us a better understanding of the Kraken and maybe more encounters in the future can help us even