Karl Marx was born on May 5, 1818 in Trier, Prussia. He was a well-known philosopher, economist, sociologist, journalist, and revolutionary …show more content…
People began to have different values and perspectives, showing alienation, which is exactly what Marx was talking about. Alienated labor takes away the meaning of life and that “life appears only as a means to life.” Living without creativity and only to subsist reduces humans to an animal-like status; they are alienated from the very things that distinguish them as humans” (Dillon, 2010, pg. 54). Workers are in this state of oppression and are not able to fulfill and enjoy their life. For Marx, the division of labor that separates capitalists and workers is a crucial problem in society back then and even in modern time, which can be vividly seen as the industrial revolution moved forward in society. Factory workers were very much alienated because of their job. The workers of Lowell Mill provide us with a clear image of what Marx was talking about. This also led to one of the first strikes that took place. These girls were the lowest employments of women, having to work 14 hours a day in exchange for two dollars (Lowell Mill Girls). The majority of the women were between the ages of 16 and 25, but some were not even 10 yet. The meaning of the strike was, in fact, really simple - they just wanted a change and for people to recognize the efforts that they had