According to (P. 160) Brian Orend: “Conceptually, war has three phases: beginning, middle and end." To my way of thinking, the end or when hostilities cease in a war, there are three entities: a winner, a defeated and those affected. It is at that moment where it is determined whether the war was right or wrong, and where the crimes committed by the military who fought injustice in war are discovered. Here begins to apply the concept of “Just Post Bellum,” as Brian Orend (P.160) explains: "This is the hottest topic in just war theory."
In the past, the winner not only wrote history but also imposed their economic conditions and concealed their war crimes. …show more content…
But if the winner does not observe the principles of the just war, in an effort to recover the funds invested in the war, then the winner’s efforts could be invalidated and could become a victimizer of the defeated. This could lead the winner to lose its standing before their nationals and the international community, as Briand Oren (P.161) pointed out: “Failure to construct principles of Just Post Bellum is to allow unconstrained war termination.”
That's why theorists of just war recommend political and military victors apply the principles of “Jus Post Bellum” to reconcile, rehabilitate and educate for a major victory. Is to have as a war trophy lasting peace and sustained progress over time, where there are no losers and no winners, but neither humiliated nor