Basically, a group of experts is transported in by Hammond in an attempt to make the island look more interesting to potential investors. Obviously to begin with, all the experts are stunned when they see the first dinosaur (a Brachiosaurus) feeding from tall trees (and most people are when watching the film as well). Not only the experts, but we just sit there in awe of what we are viewing. We’ve never seen mechanical creatures/graphics like this. It seemed so real; so lifelike; as if they were actual, real dinosaurs. But that awe-aspiring effect soon wears off when the full scale of Hammonds plans start to come to full circle. When they realize that they are creating something and not thinking of the consequences. …show more content…
Why? Well, again, it’s the effects. Many experts agree that the film’s effects, set the industry benchmark at the time and this has rarely been surpassed. The plot along with good-natured characters manages to show the real danger and emotion of human survival clashing with natural animal behavior, or, Mother Nature. Throughout the whole movie, you feel that chaos vibe. What they were doing was incredible but would they understand or even know how to control it? Just as Malcolm states “Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, that they didn’t stop to think if they