John Wilkes Booth's Assassination

Superior Essays
Imagine following the footsteps of someone who has done something so inhumane which has led to being remembered throughout history for centuries. John Wilkes Booth was from Maryland, was political, and an American actor. He was well respected, especially by many women due to being irresistible. However, he assassinated the President, Abraham Lincoln due to wanting the best for his country and not wanting the country to be in bad hands. Booth did not believe that Lincoln was qualified to represent the country. All of this represents the “honorable” Brutus! Brutus was a political leader and also wanted the best for the Roman people and Rome. Due to this, he took part in Caesar's assassination which was stabbing him in the back because he was …show more content…
Booth wanted the better for the country and relieving the country from a “bad” leader. In December 19, 2004 an article was written by Jay Winik, and it was all about how Lincoln's assassination was proceed due to Booth, what the public thought about Lincoln being assassinated, and what occurred when Lincoln was dead. Winik stated, “At Ford’s, Abraham Lincoln acknowledges the audience’s applause with a slight bow before settling his fired frame into his chair. Then, at 10:15, a bullet tears into his brain, plunging the nation into chaos” (Winik “‘American Brutus’:The Lone Gunmen”). Here, it is very clear that Booth was ready to take over Lincoln's life which shows that he does not care about Lincoln. Booth was very positive in the fact that he killed a human being because he did not want to see the country fall down due to Lincoln, but everyone know that Lincoln was not a bad guy. Booth did wrong in assassinating Lincoln because this only shows that he has no heart and does not care about the country, but cares more of himself. Nobody should plan how to kill them or go kill any man due to disliking them! Assassinating someone and coming up with a plan has played a major role over the centuries. Brutus took part of this role because just like Booth, he took part of an assassination due to believing that the country was going to be ruined if a well known men were to get a high position and …show more content…
Booth is extremely sure of himself and knows what he is talking about since he imagined that the country wanted Lincoln gone, but in reality they did not. Booth has come to the point where he sees nothing wrong in taking part of Lincoln's death. Booth views it this way because he assumes that he did a huge favor to the country, but it only created hatred among Booth. In Booth's diary, he wrote his perspective about the whole situation and how he viewed everything. Booth wrote, “Yet I cannot see any wrong except in serving a degenerate people” (Booth “John Wilkes Booth Diary”). Booth was trying to say that even though he killed Lincoln, there was nothing inaccurate with that. Booth does not appreciate in the fact that the people were seeing the situation as something else when all he was doing was helping the country flee from someone who was not an outstanding leader. He assumed that he was not the best role model or the one that the country needed. Eventually, Booth did not realize that killing Lincoln was not for an adequate cause; Booth thought that Lincoln was not going to anything good in the country since he did not agree with many things that Lincoln wanted to do. Booth wanted to be just like Booth which took into consideration in what Brutus did due to wanting the best for his country which was Rome. Brutus kept stating that the reason why

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