John Maudisley Research Paper

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In 2022, a Channel 5 documentary uncovered that the serial killer had informed his nephew of his intention to commit more murders if he was set free. Maudsley's two-room cell is made from bullet-proof Perspex and features compressed cardboard furniture. The man spends 23 hours a day there, resting on a concrete slab and utilizing a toilet and sink that are bolted to the floor. Who Is Robert John Maudsley? Toxteth, Liverpool was the birthplace of Maudsley in 1953. His father was a truck driver in the area. However, he had a challenging beginning to his life and was put in foster care at an early age along with his two brothers and sister when it was revealed that they had been victims of "parental neglect." Following a period in care, Maudsley …show more content…
He said: “All these lives may have been spared if I had murdered my parents in 1970; otherwise, I would be free to roam the earth carefree. When I kill, my parents come to mind.” As a young man of sixteen years old, Maudsley fled to London in order to find employment as a male prostitute. In 1974, when he was 21 years old, he committed his first murder. Soon after the murder, he turned himself in to the authorities and quickly admitted to being the perpetrator of the crime. After being deemed incompetent to face trial, Maudsley was moved to Broadmoor Hospital, a facility that holds some of the most dangerous offenders in Britain. Up until 1977, he was considered a "model" prisoner at Broadmoor. Unfortunately, in 1977, he and another prisoner named David Cheeseman locked themselves in a cell with a child molester named David Francis. Following a brutal nine-hour torture session, the heartless duo displayed Francis's lifeless body for the prison guards to witness. As stated by one of the guards, Francis was found with his head severely injured, resembling a boiled egg, with a spoon sticking out and a portion of the

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