By the time Jack was eight there were seven children altogether. Jack had an older brother, Joe; four sisters, Rosemary, Kathleen, Eunice, and Patricia; and a younger brother, Robert. Jean and Teddy hadn’t been born yet the Kennedy children loved playing with each other they in the summer they would go to there summerhouse an play. They loved competing with one another But sometimes these competitions went too far. One time when Joe …show more content…
He had 12 men with hi and they had to stop Japanese from delivering supplies to there solders. Japanese warship rammed the into his vehicle, splitting it in half and killing two of Kennedy’s men. The others managed to jump off as their boat went up in flames. Patrick McMahon, one of his crew members, had horrible burns on his face and hands. Kennedy managed to find McMahon and Save him. After he went home he was given two medals. After WWII coming to a end and his brother died he soon got into congress. Soon the senate then president of the U.S not after getting married to Jacqueline