Defining identity can be complex and therefore we have to determine the factors involved that make us who we are. Also, …show more content…
Playing them was intimidating, they were very aggressive and normally half the team fouled out. It was more like playing football then basketball. But after the games we would shake hands and they all very very nice and kind going through the line. This is the only time i have been effected during social activities.
In high school it had no effect I was aware of that. The size of my school, or the location could have had an effect, as to why I didn't experience this as much. In college at MSU Great Falls I feel the same way about things as I did in my high school. As we are all aware, it is a very small school, with little diversity. Whereas even if you went right across the street to UGF there is more of a diversity throughout race and ethnicity.
The effects in my community, I believe to be minimal. I consider my community to be Ennis, which is home. Like I have said before My community is very small approximately 900 people in the winter months. Come summer there are a lot of tourists that come in to fish and hunt. Which is great business for the little