2. Why does Elliot use eye color as a social marker? Why does she also have students wear collars? Why does she physically separate them?
Eye color represents race since it is easily noticeable and a part of what makes an individual. Collars are used to stigmatize the individuals by placing a “Scarlett letter” upon them to distinguish them from the rest of the group. As a consequence, she physically separates them into different groups to demonstrate how this …show more content…
Can Elliot’s experiment backfire? Can it actually perpetuate racism and other forms of prejudice and hatred?
Yes, it can however her experiment can still be considered a success to the overwhelming consensus of agreement after the exercise was over. This was evidently shown when one of her participants left the social experiment. In the end, she still defended her position that this type of discrimination happens across the board regardless of an individual’s sex or race. Although she left the exercise, the rest understood the broader picture of what Elliot was trying to convey.
6. Would you suggest that your instructor use this video in future classes to talk about racism, prejudice, and discrimination? Why or why not?
Absolutely. This quick and short video perfectly captures the bigger picture that Elliot is trying to convey which is the acknowledgement that racism continues to be a significant problem within our society and is clearly not going away any time