The author gives many example of what she has written in her journal. In the essay Joan provides a example of her journal which is “Similarity, perhaps it never did now in August in Vermont; perhaps there never were flurries in the night wind…” (Didion, 36). There are many times when the author has a clearly identified event, and therefore, she makes the reader understand what she is talking about all the …show more content…
Didion keeps a very separate tone, for example, “In fact I have abandoned altogether that kind of pointless entry; instead I tell what some would call lies”(Didion, 36). She expresses no bias toward past events, she simply just tells the true story. The mood that Didion conveys onto the reader is instructive. And Didion is indifferent towards how other people criticize her notebook. When she maintain a steady mood the reader well be more likely to accept her point of view, because what she is trying to say is clear to understand.
Didion is trying to get the point across that when keeping a notebook, it is not foe someone else to read or for them to offer their judgments and opinions. And the main purpose of keeping a notebook is to record feelings from certain experiences. Didion labels what she writes down in her notebook as ‘lies’ but it is as she remembers