Kennedy's choice of using hyperbole appeals to the audience to encourage them that human life is about progress. As stated in paragraphs 1-2, "50,000 years of man's recorded history in a time span of but a half-century" is what Kennedy would later on refer to as the progression of the human race. Revealing, that throughout the 4.6 billion years, the Earth has been around, we managed to do so much in a short period of time. This appeals to the audience as it makes them come forward with the realization that they are supposed to advance by taking it to the next step, landing humans on the Moon. …show more content…
As seen in paragraph 7, they vowed not to be spaced with destructive weapons, but with "instruments of knowledge and understanding." This suggests that they plan on going out to space with only peace of mind. This appeals to the audience by addressing that they will cause no harm to how they did on Earth, but rather be peaceful in whatever they approach or discover. This would make his audience understand Kennedy's views and support the program as