Jewish Temple Experience Paper

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As my second community assignment, i have chosen to attend a Jewish temple service. From my experience, I was able to more understanding and knowledge of the Jewish faith. My experience held both things I had expected, but many of my accusations were proven to be wrong. There were so many unexpected things that came out of my experience and I am glad I had the opportunity to learn new information about a large group within our society that I was not familiar with prior to my attendance at the Jewish service. Before leaving my house, I picked out an appropriate outfit for the service. My attire consisted of a conservative blouse, black dress pants, and a pair of nice boots. Before my research, I planned on wearing a pair of jeans and a nice blouse. However, after my research I found it was more appropriate to dress more formal than jeans. On my way to the temple, I felt slightly nervous. I kept thinking of how uncomfortable I was going to feel walking into the temple being as I am not Jewish. However, it ended up not being as uncomfortable as I thought it was going to be. The service that I had attended was called the Erev Shabbat service, this service is held on friday evenings. As I approached the temple I began to take note of my surroundings. One of the first things I noticed was one of the temple's walls was made up completely by stained glass. Since it was dark by the time I got there, I was able to see how pretty it looked to have the light from the inside shine through the colorful stained glass. Although it was dark, I was able to see that the temple did have bushes and flowers planted outside of it. I think plantings are important in making a building seem welcoming. When I walked through the temple doors, I was taken back by how big it was. From the outside you could not tell how much space was inside. However, only a small section of the temple was designated as the room where the services are held. While walking to the room where the service was, I observed the decor. The carpets and wallpaper seemed very out-dated. The carpets were a dull, floral pattern and the wallpaper was cream colored pinstripes. There was no furniture throughout the temple besides the pew seating in the room that the services are held. As for decorations, there were only plants. There was a few green indoor plants, and flower bouquets in the service room. I was unimpressed by the decor of the inside of the temple. The inside did not have a warm, welcoming feel to it. Although there was a lack of decorations on the walls, there was something unique and interesting along the walls of the room where the services are held. There is hundreds of plaques along the wall under the words “In memoriam.” The plaques have the names and birth dates to death dates of deceased loved ones in memory of them. Along with that there was also a large star of david engraved in the podium, which is a recognized Jewish symbol. The temple also had the flag of Israel and the American flag on display. I was surprised by the American flag within the temple. I did not expect to see the American flag within the place of worship. As I sat in the room waiting for the service to begin I looked around to gather more observations. I realized that there were very few people there. There was a total of twelve people, including myself, that attended this service. …show more content…
After my visit to the Jewish temple I still see some general things in common, but the two religious faiths and how their services are run are extremely different. As the Jewish temple service came to an end, I realized how many things I have learned about the Jewish faith through this community assignment. By taking the time to research and then learn from a live experience, I was able to gather a lot of information on such a large group of people within our society. I believe it is important to learn about other people's beliefs, values, and lifestyles other than our own to be able to understand how our world works as a whole. Overall, my attendance to the Jewish temple service was a great learning

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