1. Issues and Points of Conflict
Jenny is faced with the conflict of conscience because she must decide whether she should follow her mentor’s suggestion that she believes is morally unethical.
Also, there is a conflict of effort because she …show more content…
Consequences There are many negative and positive consequences from following Holzer’s suggestion. If Jenny does follow Holzer’s suggestion then she faces the risk of her a negative impact on her career, reputation, her self-view, relationship with mentor, future grant approvals and animal research, and relationship with community. The biggest consequence is if the rabbits suffered and harmed to an extensive degree. However, there are positive consequences if she does follow the suggestion of Holzer, such as producing data that can be published which will strengthen her career and relationship with mentor. If she decides to question her mentor’s suggestion, she faces a negative impact on her relationship which could cause Holter to loss respect and the trust he had in her. The negative impact on their relationship could affect her advancement in her career as a researcher. Holter faces consequences such as misconduct and harm to his reputation if the IACUC, the university, or the grant funding agency finds about his decision to be deceptive and change the approved protocol, especially if the rabbits are harmed from the