What is a jellyfish?
You might mistake a jellyfish for some type of jelly with a weird name. A lot of people know jellyfish for their appearance. A Lot of people know jellyfish for stinging people https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzOXIEBnfwM (thats a link for a fun jellyfish video) to recognize a jellyfish here are some things you should know:
Jellyfish sizes can range between bigger than a full grown human to the size of the head of a pin
Jellyfish are usually bright …show more content…
The most dangerous type of jellyfish is the Irukandji. It has already killed 6 people in 2017!! This year like just started!!! The reason a lot of people die from this creature is because it is very small. It is also VERY poisonous everywhere on itself.
What do jellyfish Eat?
Jellyfish will usually eat whatever they come across. Sometimes they will just eat fish eggs. Jellyfish eat through a hole underneath the bell (if you are wondering what a bell is, it is the round thing at the top of the jellyfish). Sometimes the jellyfish will kill something so big like a fish or something that they can’t eat it and waste it. You might think that jellyfish are trying to eat us all the time but nope, they are simply scared of us. I wouldn’t judge them for being scared though because maybe you got too close to their eggs or maybe you just where in there territory. Whatever the reason, I don’t think that they are trying to eat us.
In conclusion, jellyfish are a great sight to see, but are very dangerous. I hope from now on you don’t think of jellyfish as “just another