In 1920, while working with Theodore Simon, Piaget evaluated the results of standardized reasoning test, which was designed by Simon to measure the child intelligence and draw a connection between the child’s age and the nature of his errors. After evaluating the results, however, Piaget had questions about the way that children learn, …show more content…
The first stage is known as the sensorimotor, where learning occur through motor actions, this takes place from o-2 years. Next is the preoperational stage, ages 3-7 years, here children develop intelligence through the use of symbolic language, fantasy plays and natural intuition. Next is the concrete stage where children ages 8-11 develop cognitively through the use of logic that is based on solid evidence. In the formal operational stage which is the final stage, 12-15 year old children formed the ability to think abstractly with a more complex understanding of logic, and cause and