If true, this could be incredibly damaging to Deen. Deen has been one of the most vocal people in porn to the point that people labeled him a feminist. Everything that I have read about him made him seem like the nicest guy in the industry, but when you throw rape accusations at someone, you had better make sure that you can back it up. This is where it gets difficult. When Stoya posted this accusation, it wasn’t taken to the police — as far as we know — it was posted on social media. And with that posting came this from November 17th:
Now, I don’t want to be skeptical, but …show more content…
It’s the basic paragraph response saying all the right SEO terms that portray his innocence. But here’s where it gets even worse for Deen. It doesn’t matter if you’re a porn star or a flight attendant, sexual assault is something that is difficult for anyone to come forward with, especially if it’s against someone as big in the industry as Deen. But other porn stars are coming forward accusing him as well supporting …show more content…
But again, these are only accusations at this point, and condemning Deen before we know more is pretty harsh until more comes out. Siding with Stoya right now is probably the safe bet because it takes one really terrible person to accuse someone of rape in the public forum. If there was no sexual assault and she just did this to get back of him (after all, her most recent sex video on her website is with him), then the punishment he would face should be doubled against her.
If you go on to Deen’s Twitter, read his statement, click to see the comments, you will see that the internet has pretty much decided he’s guilty, and the hashtag “#istandwithstoya.” If she was assaulted, the first thing she should’ve done is go to the police. But again, being a victim means you might be too afraid to do that because sometimes victims blames themselves. What you don’t want to do is throw accusations on social media. It doesn’t serve any purpose other than to cause havoc on the internet. However, there are signs to James Deen being quite the strange one.
Check out this recent pics on his