The island remained under Spanish control until it was captured by the British naval commander Sir William Penn(1621-1670) in 1655. After several years of small-scale warfare against Spanish holdouts on the island, the British established control, and the island was officially ceded to England in 1670. British rule was consolidated by co-opting local pirates and buccaneers, such as Sir Henry Morgan (1635-1688), who raided foreign vessels and added to the wealth of the island. Morgan was made lieutenant governor of Jamaica in 1674 (Gale Encyclopedia of World History)”. British took over Jamaica's land to invest in their territory and resources. Jamaica was granted internal autonomy in 1953, and five years later the nation became a member of the West Indies Federation, a group of the territories sponsored by the British (Gale Encyclopedia of World History)”. Jamaica was given complete freedom from external conflict or …show more content…
Jamaica under the British was a society that depended on what it produced. Sugar, at first, was without doubt the cause of its existence (British Jamaica)”. Sugar didn't exist to the British until they found out Jamaica had the resources they could use. Under British rule, Jamaica went from being a Spanish storehouse to one of the most prized Colonial possession of the entire British Empire (British Jamaica)”. Because of the materials Jamaica had, the British took them away from the Spanish and won them over. The British military yearned adventurous buccaneers to get to safe spots. It gained great remembrance of what they did. For example, “The British military governor, concerned about the possibility of Spanish assaults, urged buccaneers to move to Jamaica, and the island’s ports soon became their safe havens; Port Royal, in particular, gained notoriety for its great wealth and lawlessness (Encyclopedia Britican)”. They threatened one another and fought over what they did and didn’t have such as: lucrative gold and silver trade. Such as, “The Royal African Company was formed in 1672 with a monopoly of the British slave trade, and from that time Jamaica became one of the world’s busiest slave markets, with a thriving smuggling trade to Spanish America (Encyclopedia Britican)”. The slaves outnumbered the Europeans. Jamaica became one of Britain’s most costly colonies in terms of pastoral production,