Douglas Schuler describes that the internet is full of two types of people; optimists and pessimists. He states that people are “looking for reasons for not getting involved” (Schuler 248). By this, he means that people will try and find excuses in order not to get involved because people are not going to give up their life for someone they meet on the internet. I agree with Schuler’s point that people do not get involved when something is wrong because of the consequences. For example #JadePose is a hashtag was created after a girl’s drink was spiked and she was raped. Her face and body were posted all over the internet and she was ridiculed because her entire worth and value have to do with her looks and sexual appeal according to society. Her reputation was destroyed but nothing happened to the guy. The entire world failed the sixteen-year-old girl as the world decided as a whole it was her fault because she was asking for it. Schuler also argues that both optimists and pessimists have one thing in common which is that they lack human effort to get involved. Here he states “that historically momentum makes human effort unnecessary” (Schuler 247). By this, he means that no one is going to do protest because they are not bonded to what they say on the internet. I disagree with Schuler’s point as the internet is the birthplace of the #BlackLivesMatter movement. This is a civil rights movement that is trying to stop racism and police brutality. This movement shows …show more content…
As meliorism tend to allow people to work together to stop things that concern them. Schuler quotes Shakespeare “if neither an optimist nor a pessimist is, who or what should we be” (248). What he means by this is that both optimists and pessimist have the same view when regarding human effort on which people do not care. He suggests that having a meliorism point of view would change things.
With this statement of Schuler’s, I am in two minds. In one hand people who work together to support a cause are a force to be reckoned with as they would not care if harm came there way. While if a person was strong-minded about a cause they would be on the streets fighting by themselves as when they see that something is wrong they will speak out against it.
Also, Schuler suggests that business need to stop looking at things to make a profit and to get involved because they actually care. Here he explains that business has “dubious aims like developing social imagination” (Schuler 249). What he means is that businesses only look to make a profit when they support a movement, not because they actually