The first law states that a body in motion will stay in motion and a body at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force. For example, if there is a spaceship in space that is far from any gravitational pull, it will continue at a constant speed unless something causes it to slow down or speed up. The second law states that the velocity of an object changes when acted upon by an external force. In his third law, Newton explained that every action in nature has an equal and opposite reaction. For example, if a person jumps off of a boat that is in a pool of water, the boat will move backwards as the person moves …show more content…
His first law, also known as the Law of Inertia, states that an object in motion tends to stay in motion, while an object at rest tends to stay at rest unless acted upon by an external force. So, if a rocket is moving at a constant speed, it does not necessarily have to have a force pushing it. If the rocket is accelerating or decelerating, then an external force must be acting on it to speed it up or slow it down. In his second law, he explains that the more massive an object, the more force it takes to accelerate. For example, a rocket would need about 7.2 million pounds of thrust to reach the escape velocity (speed needed for a rocket to escape the earth’s gravitational pull) The more massive the rocket, the more force will be required for it to reach the need velocity. On the other hand, if a rocket has less mass, it will take less force to reach the escape velocity. In Newton’s third law, he states that for every action there is an equal and an opposite reaction. This helps explain the thrust given off by an engine or the lift generated by wings on a plane. The engine would push off backwards and in return the engine would go forward. In the case of the wing on the plane, the wings are angled in a direction that would force the air to push up on the wings and pushing the plane into the