The solution to homelessness depends on the type of homelessness. For short-term homelessness they can be given a rent-free or tax-free period for a few months so they can do what they need to do to get back on their feet. For more chronic homelessness it is basically the same process, but with a job requirement after a certain amount of time in the house and extra supplies if needed. The chronic homeless then have a rent-free starting period of about a couple months for them to get a job. After the rent-free starting period they start paying rent but it will be lowered according to their individual needs. The government can also give them a start up of some money and supplies according to the homeless people’s needs. The government can help them by giving them a job that requires little education and work experience, if their circumstances are dire. After this process they can be back on their feet and self sustaining eventually, it will take longer for some than …show more content…
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