In Document B, Rebecca Dobbs claims that North America had already been inhabited before Columbus arrived. She states, ”Henry Dobyns suggest that some 145 million people lived in the hemisphere in 1492,” indicating that the lands had already been inhabited. Therefore, saying he discovered a New World is redundant. Columbus’s intentions to use slavery in order to profit is clearly stated in his letter to Queen Isabella of Spain. He stated, ”They have no arms, and are without warlike instincts.” Columbus also said,” They are good to be ordered about, to work and sow, and do all that may be necessary.” This demonstrates how Columbus intends for he and his men to conquer the New World and how he speaks negatively of the natives with no regard. Also, in Bartolome’s Brief Account of the Deviation of the Indies, he explains that Columbus stripped the Natives of their pride and dignity. Bartolome states, “They have deprived the Indians of their lives and souls, for the millions I mentioned have died without the faith and without the benefit of the sacraments.” Thus, why would someone intending to help enrich America want to take advantage- with no regard- of the innocent whom were willing to help …show more content…
On the contrary, Columbus’s overall journey consisted of slavery, economics, and the achievement of obtaining gold and glory. Therefore, Columbus’s actions should not be conjectured as heroic or evil. Instead, the people of America should recognize that Columbus Day as not worthy of celebration, but worth abolishing. This is because if Columbus were actually a man of the people who set out to help enrich the future of the New World, his moral intentions would have taken another course. He would have compromised and worked with others in order to achieve his goals. So as the people, ask these questions: Should the rights- and even lives- of an already inhabited people be taken advantage of and abused? Did Columbus come with the right moral intentions in mind? Were Columbus’s actions necessary for the future advancement of America and could he have done things in a different manner? Although Columbus helped set the foundation of America, he also created a decline in the population of guiltless, human