In this day and age, having faith is simply not good enough for many people. They need to know why, how, when, and where things happened. To modern society, a God can’t be explicitly proven, and therefore God does not exist at all. People say that if they could see God’s footprint in the universe, or if they could actually see evidence that he exists, then maybe they would agree that there is an intelligent designer behind it all. The problem with this way of thinking is that it ignores the massive amount of evidence and sound logical arguments that lead to a belief in the reality of God. In order to believe in God, one must have reasoning as to why they believe. There are three basic steps in a design argument that are crucial to coming to the conclusion of God’s existence: First, the universe must exhibit some sort of property. Earth’s perfect conditions, for example, are on such property. Conditions on Earth are so suited to humans and organic life that it almost seems as if they were put in place by some higher being. That conclusion is the second step in an existence argument in that the aforementioned property indicates some type of greater purpose or designer behind everything. It is fairly simple to say that if there is an intelligent design or purpose, there must be someone or something behind the design with a reason for creating it all. However, that is only a simple framework, and because of the importance of the existence of God, many other complex arguments have risen over the years. God’s existence can be pointed to through various ways, but one main argument stands out: the theory of intelligent design. Intelligent design is the classical existence argument, and many religions justify the existence of their god or gods through means of intelligent design. …show more content…
Simply stated, intelligent design theory is the idea that because people can see footprints of some higher power through the complexity or simplicity of natural processes. Since history began, philosophers have observed humans and noted that certain aspects of them are almost put there by someone. Xenophon commented on Socrates and his arguments stating that humans were a product of an intelligent designer. (Xenophon, Memorobilia) Through the history of the argument and the fact that it has stood the test of time, it is possible find some credibility in intelligent design. Simply staying on one side of the argument is nonsensical, though, and rebuttals must be made. There have always been those who doubt the existence of God, or flat out despise the idea in any way. Atheists and agnostics have numerous reasons for their non-belief, but four main ideas tend to be present in what they say. First, the claim starts that there is little empirical evidence for God’s existence. Scientists are unable to look at the results of an experiment and firmly claim that “yes, there is a God”. This lack of physical proof is a strong argument, and is a struggle that many Christians face daily. Another counter-argument would be the idea that saying that there is a God is any easy way out of everything. Many claim that Christian simply ignore the facts and choose to stay within their own world, unwilling to try to comprehend the scientific evidence that is stacked up. Christians are seen as ignorant, and believing in God is the “simple” path. One of the most-visited points for atheists is the fact that there is evil and suffering in the world. If Christians believe in an all-powerful, benevolent, good God, then how could He possibly allow children to be abused, or terrorist attacks to happen? Even Christians find it extremely difficult to wrap their minds around this subject, as it brings into question the true