In her book The Fountainhead, Ayn Rand portrays the protagonist, Howard Roark, as an individualistic young architect who chooses to struggle in unimportance rather than compromise his artistic and personal vision. The book follows his fight to practice what the public sees as modern architecture, which he considers to be superior, despite an establishment focused on tradition-worship. In the book Architecture's New Media: Principles, Theories, and Methods of Computer-Aided Design, the authors Yehuda E. Kalay and William J. Mitchell talk about Computer-aided architectural design (CAAD) and its ability to model and manipulate objects, beyond just graphical representation. They also go into how CAAD can be used to forecast …show more content…
Scientific studies indicate average temperature to rise a further 1.1 to 4.5 °C during the 21st century depending upon increase in GHG emissions (mostly consisting of CO2). Every unit of electricity (kWh) used, generates 0.82 kg of CO2 at the power station. One of the most challenging issues architects face today is controlling the energy consumption in buildings. In the developed countries such as U.S and U.K, IT is extensively being used to create intelligent and energy efficient building design. There are computer tools that enable architects to precisely estimate the energy consumption in a given building. IT also provides evaluation of practically infinite options and helps in short listing the most efficient one. Additionally, IT can also be used to control the operation of energy intensive devices and services for optimum operating conditions. IT is also behind the Freedom Tower in terms of making it an energy efficient building. The Tower’s design features two complex "pleated skin" facades. The office space section of the tall and twisting building has been modeled using ArchiCAD to import the intricate building skin geometry into an energy analysis application - EnergyPlus. The performance of different building skin options are simulated, as an integral part of the rest of the building, while EnergyPlus determines the optimal day lighting design and the overall building energy