Winters in Poland are generally cold, and precipitation is common throughout the year in Poland. Causes for Poland’s relatively cold winters and mild summers is caused by oceanic air currents from the west of Poland. In the winter polar fronts often bring cold, frosty weather with the temperatures falling far below zeros and bringing heavy amounts of snowfall. In the summer months the warmth is caused by sub-tropical air masses that bring a lot of warm days. (Poland) In Poland the government provides care for everybody but there facilities are not up to western standards. Private services are often better for a person, but you will have to pay if you want a private service.(Culture) Poland’s healthcare system is funded through the National Health Fund which means every person working in Poland has to contribute. People in Poland that are covered by national health insurance and their dependents are entitled to free primary health care.
Winters in Poland are generally cold, and precipitation is common throughout the year in Poland. Causes for Poland’s relatively cold winters and mild summers is caused by oceanic air currents from the west of Poland. In the winter polar fronts often bring cold, frosty weather with the temperatures falling far below zeros and bringing heavy amounts of snowfall. In the summer months the warmth is caused by sub-tropical air masses that bring a lot of warm days. (Poland) In Poland the government provides care for everybody but there facilities are not up to western standards. Private services are often better for a person, but you will have to pay if you want a private service.(Culture) Poland’s healthcare system is funded through the National Health Fund which means every person working in Poland has to contribute. People in Poland that are covered by national health insurance and their dependents are entitled to free primary health care.