Social work ranges through a wide spectrum of boundaries capturing problems in the society involving children, adults, families and social vices like violence in the community , and extending to a well-structured programme to better the lives of the less privileged. Sally and Jonathan, 2015 opined that it is the variety in social work territory that makes it fascinating and at the same time introduces challenges in terms of its uniqueness and defining the boundaries. Social work is a profession that centres around and on people lifespan development- from cradle to grave (British Association of Social Workers). According to International Federation of Social Workers, 2014 "Social work is a practice-based profession and an academic discipline that promotes social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people. Principles of social justice, human rights, collective responsibility and respect for diversities are central to social work. Underpinned by theories of social work, social sciences, humanities and indigenous knowledges, social work engages people and structures to address life challenges and enhance wellbeing” (IFSW 2014, and Sally and Jonathan, 2015). There have been some divergent historical roots in social work and according to Sally and Jonathan, 2015, social work grew out of charitable works especially in capitalist countries. …show more content…
Whereas in the eastern Europe, the growth of social work was characterised by a period of silence and because there were universal basic services under the state socialism, individuals having social problems were denied of additional support (Sally and Jonathan, 2015). This was really evident in the state of the orphanages in that period. There was also a shameful period in the history of social work between the late 19th century and the 1970s when Aboriginal children were taken away from their family and put in an institution because they were thought to be at risk. This action separated these children from their background and culture. This incident was tagged ‘scandal’ and led to an official apology by the Australian Prime Minister in 2008 (Sally and Jonathan, 2015). Here in the UK, the idea of social work emanated from the setting up of Charity Organisation Society in 1869 to support the poorest people, while they were taught high level of independence and self-reliance that is based on scientific knowledge. However, the contemporary social work emphasises on the importance of values, ethics and promotion of human rights on the basis of anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive practices. Theories and methods are two essential concepts that underline the practice of social work. Theories in social work are formed from careful observations and then analysing of cases for a period of time where facts emanated from. These facts are tested and proven and after which they became theories. Theories provide a guide for social workers to intervene with clients who have particular problems or histories and provide a rationale for their acts by helping to predict, explain and assess situations in the best interests of clients and that of the society at large. “The social work profession draws on theories of human development and behaviour and social systems to analyse complex situations and to facilitate individual, organisational, social and cultural changes” (BASW, 2012 ). Methods on the other hand, are step by step techniques , approaches and procedure that are followed