The articles that I found compared nasopharyngeal aspirate and nasal swab specimens for the detections of viral respiratory infections in hospitalized patients. Nasopharyngeal aspirate was considered the gold standard among all of the studies due to the greater sensitivity of detecting viral influenza viruses. This research is credible, because there is linkage between the recommendations and the evidence supporting it. The likelihood of good patient outcomes was considered. She has used a pre-study analysis to determine that there is an estimated number of positive screens (10%) and a projected increase in positive screens of
The articles that I found compared nasopharyngeal aspirate and nasal swab specimens for the detections of viral respiratory infections in hospitalized patients. Nasopharyngeal aspirate was considered the gold standard among all of the studies due to the greater sensitivity of detecting viral influenza viruses. This research is credible, because there is linkage between the recommendations and the evidence supporting it. The likelihood of good patient outcomes was considered. She has used a pre-study analysis to determine that there is an estimated number of positive screens (10%) and a projected increase in positive screens of