I am or was one of four angels conceived in heaven or the outer sphere of metaphysical creationist zone, I laughed out loud to myself, mumbo-jumbo, you know. I was conceived 500 years before the creation of humans. Before Adam, Lilith and Eve’s vicious love triangle. Divine Being told me the only reason he conceived us divine being was to aid him and to keep him company.
He conceived Lucifer first and she was beautiful, he conceived her as an equal to him but because she was so young, she was the first to fall or the first claim a life of her own. Later in history because of the human male insecurities, egos and dominion of women they changed Lucifer from being a female to male. So she-he was banished to …show more content…
It’s kind of the same principle as the one we call the Divine Being you call Divine Being and 20 million on the names. And I am straying off of Lilith, so now without further ado her story of creation is a bit more interesting than the rest of the Feminine divine. As Lilith’s essence was being conceived in what we feminine divine would call the Divine Being Machine. You humans would see it as a conveyor belt with a large egg shaped machine part or section where the essence of the creators blue print or design would go into and come out a creature or one of Feminine divine. There was two of these such devices one for Feminine divine and one for the creation of everything else, such as earth, the creatures on it such as dragons, the fay, humans, Cyclopes, etc. Which every creature played a role in the overall scheme of things, in Divine Being’s eyes at least. Lilith is being conceived in the machine and the essence of a snake gets into the machine with Lilith. We were all shocked and could not do anything to help. If we had we would have angered Divine Being and in these times Divine Being’s wrath or anger was very childish, like a spoiled child. Lilith came out to be one of the most unusual creatures, ever. Technically she was the first Lamia to have been …show more content…
As if all the enlightenment of knowledge, power, feeling and just life in general flowing through me, sorry it’s just an amazing feeling that I do not think words could ever justify it. For some reason a lot of us Divine Feminine had black hair. I however had blue eyes so blue they looked like a beach waters with emerald specs of light spots around the pupils. My skin was pale and milky-creamy smooth like the rest. Having skin, hair, eyes, tastes, hearing and the ability to smell was extremely unusual. It was definitely new. Where I was there was not much to smell or taste because the area was very stale so I suppose it was decidedly cleaner then fresh laundry.
Fresh Laundry, such a weird saying, if you think about it. I mean I understand how something can smell like fresh laundry, but is that honestly the purest smell we can relate to. Honestly I can 't remember a smell that is pure, maybe mountain air when humans weren 't around to begrimed the air with their foulness or their essence with their anger and negative emotional states tainting the woodlands stained the world or the earth with their foul essence seems to be humanities specialty. I mean, alright not all human 's weren 't or aren 't that