Impulse Buying is when a consumer makes a unplanned decision to buy a product or service that it is based on immediate need. The most popular impulse purchase is when the consumer notices the item on sale or clearance that enables the impulse of purchasing the item before the opportunity is over. This behavior is the most common today because the market of products and services allow us consumers to purchase what and whenever we want. The consumer is determined to purchase the item and wonders later on if the product or service was a valid purchase or not. Impulse buyers usually are the people who have the funds to purchase the item, but is willing to go out of major extents to find that item that they’re looking for. The market determines on whether which consumers purchases the most on inpulse purchasing and find ways to market towards that certain group. The first step of impulse buying from John LaCour of what marketers go off of is “Problem Recognition”. The consumer is in need to purchase a product or service but is not sure what they’re looking for until they have found the product that has came to their interest. The second is “Information search”, The consumer begins to find Information of the item to determine if it would satisfy their need of the impulse buying. Then the customer “Evaluates the alternatives and Purchases,” if the item they found is satisfactory and looks for similar products before purchasing. The last step after the impulse is the“Post-Purchase evaluation”; the consumer thinks about the purchase whether if it was a valid purchase. One cause of impulse buying is related to emotion and physchological well being. …show more content…
Research states that consumers purchase products and services when they are feeling down or have a lot of anxiety, which will release the emotional symptoms when they purchase products of their liking. Consumers are more likely to spend more than they normally do because they have the demand of having the product or service instead of waiting. People adapt to the impulsive purchacing habit when they feel materialistic duties satisfies their mood when its for themselves or other people that will bring happiness in their lives or surroundings. Marketing companies will look for products that will persuade a shopper to buy their items such as the location store connivence or the most common brand of the product. Another cause of impulse purchasing is the “Brand Recognition or Brand Loyalty”. Zimmerman states that consumers often purchase items that is the most familiar brands that they see. Customers often look for the brands that is based off commercials and reviews that they may have seen previously When it comes to impulse Purchasing, The purchasing decisions came from a variety of consumers can vary from age to gender, and profession. Based on Credit, men are reported to purchase more than women while intoxicated. 28 percent more of women purchase products based of their moods and feelings than men. When it came to gender, Men were more likely to spend more money than the women due to the fact that men would consider the higher priced items more beneficial. Even though women purchased more, it shown in research the women were more likely to keep their impulse purchases under a certain price limit. In addition, women is more likely to use a credit card than to use their own funds. The age group also takes in account as the younger and mid age generation are more likely to make a decision of impulse buying, 60 percent of senior citizens are less likely to impulse purchase with todays economy. Mangement and markets try to hold on to the impulse buyers decisions when it came to the