Purpose of Study
Assessment is important for the teachers to do because they need to know where their students stand throughout the school year. “A formative assessment refers to focused and ongoing evaluations, like the scores on quizzes or the observation a teacher makes. A summative assessment comes at the end of a course of study, when students become accountable for their achievement.” Graves, M. & Juel, C. & Grave, B. & Dewitz, P. (2011). Teaching Reading in the 21st Century. Boston, Ma: Pearson Education, Inc. As teachers we have to identify what the students know, their strengths and weaknesses in the classroom curriculum, determine student placement in our classroom, and be able to notify parents if any extra …show more content…
She is nine years old and is average weight and height for the children her age. She is very sociable, and seems to get along with everyone. She tends to get into trouble at least once a day for talking when she should be working. Her social behavior seems to be the same at lunch, recess, and in activity. She has a best friend that is in the class with her, and they always sit and play together at recess. I have noticed that she will come to me and ask for help instead of my cooperating teacher, or will talk with someone at her table and try to get help. However, she doesn’t ask for help often in language arts and tends to be one of the first students to finish her work. As far as the emotional state of the student, she is always very happy from the time she gets to school until it’s time to go home. She always has stories she wants to share with me when she gets to school in the mornings, and is enthusiastic about working with me one-on-one. The classroom is definitely a literacy rich environment. My cooperating teacher has the biggest classroom library I have ever seen. Every author has their own section, and is labeled with the books put into sequence. The students in the classroom are well aware of the expectations that the bookshelves must maintain at all times, and the helpers reorganize the bookshelves every day before we go home. The students have the opportunity to read and take Accelerated Reading test from 8:15-9:40 …show more content…
It made me realize just how hard we, as teachers, have to work to get to know each of our students and their strengths and weaknesses in the classroom. Gathering the facts to show what she struggled in and then doing my own assessment, such as looking back on previous work she had completed in the classroom, made me realize how crucial my intervention with her would truly be. I feel like although I only had a short time to work with her that I was able to give her tools and strategies that she can carry with her to help her improvement in comprehension grow throughout the school year. It was rewarding to me to see her growth daily as we done our activities, and to see that she looked forward and was willing to do the work to help her grow. Doing this assessment made me realize that although the student is pulled daily for multiple interventions she still wasn’t getting the help that she needed to grow in all areas of her