Holding on to misery and solitude eventually leads to a whole new perspective in life. Solitude may sound disheartening but it is cardinal for finding your true identity. A new sorrow brings out a new character and selfdom. A major benefit of pursuing solitude is that it enables us to rise in ways that are not just escapism. Solitude helps find motivation for the long haul, leads to a new way of living life as a process and not just one event. Solitude and finding solace in being with self drives one to find the quintessence of …show more content…
It speaks about finding the fire in my belly and discovering my relish again. It speaks about grabbing life by the horns and riding the crap out of it. The feeling of indescribable drive and ambition to give up all the luxury and flow like a river through the rocks. The feeling of pushing fiercely and ferociously through an edge and getting past it, breaking boundaries and crushing all barriers is discovering life. Pushing past the limits of comfort zone and adopting a sense of urgency about life is what everyone needs to re-invent or awaken the potential of