The purpose of a skills audit is to identify the skills and knowledge required by an organisation to meet its short term and long term goals and objectives. Skills audit can also be done to understand which areas and organisation needs improvement as well as restructuring and deployment. The audit explores individual’s skills beyond the surface of qualifications and examines specific job outcomes based on key performance areas. The job specifications or new responsibilities will be used as a benchmark when performing the skills audit. Once the audit is complete, the results are known as the skills gap analysis. By identifying this skills gap through the training needs analysis, HR now has a complete picture of the skills shortage within the organisation, as well as individuals who may not have the required skills to be promoted. Driven by concerns over their organizational competitive position in the market place, the role of management development and training has progressively been recognized as a critical element of an organization’s strategy, in boosting efficiency and productivity (Analoui and Khoury, 2010; Analoui, 2007; Boxall and Gilbert,2007;Gray, 2005).( Managerial training and development in telecommunication organizations in Palestine ) Investing in employees has now become an integral differentiator amongst businesses competing in the same business segments, the quality of human resources is the fundamental key to obtaining organisational success. …show more content…
In this case Acorn’s most prised assets would be its employees. It has been clearly highlighted by the client that an evidence based approach to their human resource strategy was imperative to illustration an excellent return on investment from the training and development program. The strategy and methodology undertaken by Acorn bares an inordinate similarity to the approach adopted by Royal Mail (Bourne, A. and Hadden, D. (2010)), however it must be noted that the principals surrounding the training needs analysis framework must be adapted to fit the needs of the organisation as no two companies are the