VI. Body odor and bad breath are apparent in today's world of pleasurable aromas and can be quite distracting.
Now let me move on to the Health connection to personal hygiene.
Body III
I. The environment we live in contains much that can be harmful to humans, such as disease producing organisms, infected animals, water, and polluted air contaminated with germs
II. Personal hygiene creates a kind of a sanitary barrier and helps prevent infectious diseases.
III. We see good hygiene as an indication of good health. It shows that a person takes the time to care for themselves, someone who takes a measure of pride in their appearance.
IV. Bathing regularly promotes good skin and hair health.
V. For those of us who have health insurance, we are allotted and encouraged to see a physician as well as see a dentist at least once a year.
VI. Regular dental care extends the life of your teeth and promotes heart health. Brushing your teeth and flossing regularly helps prevent the buildup of plaque as well as cavities.
VII. Washing the hands lowers the risk of spreading disease and becoming sick