Along with my classes, those volunteer shifts have helped me prepare for my future career. First, those experiences sharpened my nutritional education skills. As a future dietitian, I understand that if I want to encourage people to eat healthily, their foods must taste good. Therefore, I learned to show my patients that healthy food can still be delicious, flavorful, and inexpensive. In my “Applications of Food Science” class, I learned to identify the nutritional contents of food, how to demonstrate food preparation, and how to conduct a purchase analysis. In addition, I worked with Second Harvest’s nutrition educators for two years, presenting nutrition and food safety lessons to food assistance clients. I also provided low-income families with affordable and nourishing …show more content…
However, that loss guarantees that my motivation and willingness to learn will exceed that of my peers. Moreover, the well-rounded experience I have gained will allow me to stand out from my peers. I believe the rigorous Sea Mar Dietetic Internship will give me the education and skills I need to excel as a Registered Dietitian. The program’s emphasis on community health fits perfectly with my ambition of becoming a dietitian working in a multicultural low-income community setting. My extensive community service experience and my passion to always learn more both in and out of the classroom make me an excellent candidate for the Sea Mar program. Acceptance to the Sea Mar Dietetic Internship would be a perfect fit for my lifelong ambitions and provide me with the best education to begin my career as a Registered Dietitian. I hope to have a chance to enjoy drinking espresso in the rainy days, eating delicious Vietnamese cuisines, and hiking in the beautiful mountain trails of