Plato describes lies in two ways in The Republic; one type of lie is improper to tell, the other lie is accepted because it is told at the right time. For example when a government knows there might be a very bad snow storm coming, and they just say it will okay, bundle up but in reality it might not be. As humans we tell lies to ourselves all the time, when we are living our life we tell ourselves I will start on that assignment or piece of work in an hour, an hour passes by and you still have not done it or telling ourselves tomorrow we are going to change ourselves get fitter healthier better. Sometimes we do what we intend to, but we as humans fail in our own truths. However when we tell lies to someone else; a white lie with the right amount of truth in it, people tend to accept the lie more. Meaning when someone tells a white lie to someone else to help them succeed or achieve a goal the person who has been lied to tends to appreciate it more and builds a relationship with that person. The effect of lying to yourself vs lying to someone else in order to be Nobel according to Plato and his students that nobility rises in …show more content…
Self-deception looks at the process of denial and deception on others mainly focusses on giving someone else false information to a. better themselves or b. help the person out. The idea of justice is a type of deception. Humans tend to believe that the idea of being Good and true, and punishing the ones who commit bad and untrue; tends to be a form of deception because someone who does bad for example can easily pretend to do good. Look at psycopaths for example, they cannot feel or have guilt or remorse no matter what they do. They trick people all the time to get what they want. On psychological analysis screening psychopaths can look normal say the right thing and presumably take control of the environment. Due to the fact that psychopaths do not want to discover the idea that there are psychopaths. There is a type of self-deception and deception on others. By acting like “normal” creates the deception needed. Book II discusses justice, what injustice is and what justice is. Glaucon is all forth for having a society that does not have a rules. The way he presumably establishes his argument is that he uses terms to persuade the reader and the other philosophers he states “a kind of good that we would choose to have not because we desire its consequences, but because we delight in it for its own sake – such as enjoyment and all the pleasures which are