“Literature reviews are important as a research tool. Especially in emerging research with population that typically yield small samples or in areas that represent value laden position adopted by advocacy group. Literature reviews are also valuable in light of the knowledge explosion and the consequent …show more content…
Mertens (2005) noted 9 steps of literature review namely, review for identifying research topic, review of secondary sources to get an overview, develop a search strategy, searching literature following the strategy, obtaining title, reading and preparing bibliographic references, evaluating research reports, analyzing the research findings and synthesizing the results, use the literature review for won research.
I have studied several articles and books as well as online resources arbitrarily to get an idea of the field. Then I choose some core journals, books and websites that I felt useful for my study and then I divided those for different uses. I analyzed the core ideas of the resources and used for putting together into the literature review, methodology and analysis sections. Keeping my research questions in mind I picked up the following discussion from different pieces of writings.
2.1 Online Shopping Fashion and Online Consumer