This meaning making theory of learning is called constructivism. It is student centered approach. It is based on interest, general and specific abilities, attitudes, aspirations and motivations of students. Since it is student centered it is flexible. In constructivist classroom, teacher acts like as a facilitator, not a dictator. It leads to experimental learning problem solving, investigation, concept mapping and social inquiry. Students are encouraged to use prior experiences. They construct their own knowledge on the basis of their previous experiences and interaction with in a group and guided by their teachers, parents and peers. Constructivist Teaching Approach fosters creativity and critical thinking among students. Constructivist approach has its roots in kant’s synthesis of Rationalism and Empiricism. The subject has no direct access to external reality and only develops knowledge by using fundamental in-built cognitive principles to organize experience. One of the first Psychologists who developed constructivist teaching approach was Jean Piaget (1896-1980), who developed a theory “Genetic Epistemology” of the different cognitive stages through which a child passes while building up a model of the world. John Dewey (1859-1952), Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934), Bruner (1986) and Kelly (1955-1991) were the supporters of the Jean Piaget’s constructivist approach. The constructivist 5Es instruction model …show more content…
Explain : This stage provide opportunities for students to connect their previous experiences and to begin to make conceptual sense of the main ideas within the unity of the study.
4. Extend : In this stage students apply or extend the concepts in new situations and relate their previous experiences to new ones.
5. Evaluate : Evaluation of students’ conceptual understanding and ability to use skill beings at the engage stage and continues throughout the model.
Current studies related to Constructivist Teaching Approach
Akku et al. (2003) investigated the effectiveness of the instruction based on the constructivist approach by focusing on the in-class teacher-student and student-student interaction within small groups over traditional method. The results indicated that the students who are taught by constructivist teaching approach acquired chemical equilibrium concepts are better than the students taught by traditional method.
Karaduman and Gultekin (2007)