Gluten is one of the most extensively consumed proteins in the world. Almost twenty million people state that they commonly experience problems after eating products that contain gluten and a third of American adults say that they are trying to eliminate gluten from their diets.
Not only can gluten affect adults, but it can also have just as much of an effect on children as well. Celiac disease is defined as a disease in which the small intestine is hypersensitive to gluten, leading to difficulty in digesting food. This condition is genetically based, so it is more frequent in those with a family history of gluten sensitivity. This means that if a first or second- degree relative has celiac disease, you are at an …show more content…
Dentists play a major role in diagnosing people who may have unnoticed celiac disease. As soon as solid foods are introduced into a person’s diet, symptoms of celiac disease can begin to occur. There are a few different grades of enamel defects related to gluten sensitivity. Grade 1 includes defects in the color of enamel such as single or multiple cream colors, and yellow or brown opacities. Grade II includes slight structural defects, rough enamel surfaces, shallow pits, and horizontal grooves. Grade III is evident structural defects, deep horizontal grooves, and large vertical pits. Lastly, Grade IV includes severe structural defects and the shape of the tooth may be changed. Most defects of the enamel cause problems mainly in permanent dentition and are likely to appear chronologically and symmetrically in all 4 quadrants. It is not yet understood why celiac disease affects our oral cavity, although some researchers have found that patients with this disorder have higher levels of an antigen called HLA DR3 in their …show more content…
If abnormally elevated levels of IgA endomysial and anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies are found, a person almost certainly has celiac disease.” (WebMD, 2015) There is no cure for gluten sensitivity and this disease is very difficult to have to live with. Although there is no cure, there are supplements that can help such as folic acid, iron and calcium. These are important for the body to consume if the intestines aren’t breaking down vitamins and nutrients properly. An important habit is to change your diet and start checking food labels for gluten. If becoming diagnosed with celiac disease, it is important to know that the body will begin to feel better after starting a gluten free diet and to keep feeling better, continuing a gluten free diet is suggested. Finding support, educating yourself, and following up regularly with your physician or dentist is also important when dealing with this condition. When finding support, go online to the and it will list many support groups around the nation to help those going through this difficult process.
This is the Celiac Support Association that gets patients around the world with celiac