Finding out who committed the crime to finding out everyone the suspect has been in contact with. With the improvements that technology has made it has truly helped the law enforcement community fight crime. Police officers everyday are using social media more and more to help them during a case or to find out new clues and to help stop crimes. The first major break through with technology helping with the criminal justice system is because of Juan Vucetich was a police officer who created the first fingerprint system while working on a murder case. Mr. Vucetich invention was the start of something that is still being used till this day. Almost a century later Dr. Alec Jeffrey identified family groups in biological material. His discovery led to then use of DNA that would help solve crimes with little to no DNA evidence at all. With just these two alone have affected the practice of criminal law in major ways that has only helped America for the better. …show more content…
A major downfall is that today’s laws cannot keep up with all the changes and advances that comes along. An example of that is one that has been causing a lot of issues lately and that is with everyone having a camera on their phone. A crime could take place and anyone around could take out there phone and record it. The problem with this is being able to decide what evidence is admissible and what isn’t. Another one is social media now a days everyone has one whether it is Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. People can’t help but to post everything that they do on social media and that is another reason why it is important for the laws to stay up to date with technology. With everything that is evolving in today’s society as far as crimes means our laws need to stay up to