Another reason that immigrants contribute to a better America is that it brings diversity not only to the American culture but also to the American economy. “They provide business contacts to other markets, enhancing America's ability to trade and invest profitably in the global economy.” (Griswold, 2005). This is basically saying how immigrants can help the economy by keeping the prices of …show more content…
This is happening because now Americans are in a “competition” with immigrants workers. However, is a competition that they can’t win since immigrants work for less than minimum wage.
There has been an increase in immigrant coming to the United States throughout the years which has brought some consequences to America. Some of those consequences being “overcrowded schools, congested highways, deteriorating ecology, and lagging infrastructure. California, for instance, would require the completion of one new school each day to keep pace with the growth of the student populations.” (Chase Eldredge, Dirk. 2004). This causes the nation to spend more money to try and create more schools, make bigger more innovative roads to fulfill the need of so many people.
Not only are immigrants hurting the economy by overcrowding but they are also doing by not paying social security taxes. Immigrants don't pay social security taxes unless they are legal or are using a forged social security card. Meaning that there are a whole bunch of illegal immigrants who don’t bring anything to the country and instead need benefits and other incentives from the