If one were to fully control the worlds money, it would mean that that person would have control over everyone, especially people in debt. Everyone government is in debt to the international bankers, so that means the bankers have control over the government. The government’s debt is increasing every day. As of this year, Based on Forbes Adviser Network, The United States reached 18.2 Trillion dollars in debt. With this number constantly increasing, this means that taxes will be raised for tax payers. Eventually the middle classes will not be able to pay for the highroad taxes, and soon enough the higher classes will begin to struggle. This causes the United States to have a huge economic issue. The banks will also take advantage of people since there is a interest that everyone has to pay. Money isn't just given away without sacrifice. “Every time a person gains money, it has to come from somewhere to the disadvantage of someone else” (“True Conspiracies, the Illuminati and One World Government”). This study also shows that there are 3 places where this money can be taken from. One is from the government. two, as wages from a poor small business manager, or charges to a poor person. And lastly, it could be taken from a company, which causes the company to charge higher costs to poor people. All these conspiracies are very scary for our nation. If the banks have this much control over our …show more content…
Several famous music artists have bluntly said in the media that they are involved in the illuminati. Rihanna for example, makes the illuminati triangle symbol out of her hands at every concert she does or every music video she is filmed in. Music today is one of the best ways to connect with someone. “Music enhances our senses, touches our emotions, and creates memories”(“The Influence of Music”). President Thomas S. Monson said: “Music can help you draw closer to your Heavenly Father. It can be used to educate, edify, inspire, and unite. However, music can, by its tempo, beat, intensity, and lyrics, dull your spiritual sensitivity. You cannot afford to fill your minds with unworthy music”. Not only can music affect your soul spiritually, but it can affect your ability to accomplish things or to learn. Two researchers tested this theory by using mice. The researchers divided mice into 3 groups. The first group they would play classical and highly organized pieces of music. The second group would listen to a wide variety of rock and roll, rap, and dubstep songs. The third group didn't listen to anything but silence. For 8 weeks they continuously played the songs for the mice. After 8 weeks they let the mice go into a maze to find food. The first group of mice seemed to be even smarter than before they had listened to the music. However, the second group wondered off with no sense of