As it is used in paragraph of "Let 'Em Play God" the word plausible means something that actually could happen. I figured that out using context clues from the text,"In order to achieve this, one of the necessary ingredients of the formula is a series of plausible situations with people that are real." For example, having two students absent in a class is a plausible situation. Furthermore, referring back to the text, it states that you need to have plausible situations to create suspense. If somebody died and he or she was young the author couldn't say they died of old age, simply because it is not a plausible situation and it wouldn't add suspense.…
First, more women participated in the Olympic games since 1972. The second reason is importantly, equitable facilities had to be built. What men’s started complaining about was the money. Empowering Women in Sport’s states, “ However, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and high school administrators complained that boys’ sports would suffer if girl’s…
The quote “Girls can’t play sports” just got reversed. Women all over the world are making history, Billie Jean King effected women all over the world and the WNBA showed us that women will fight for what they believe is right. Women have risen from the suburbs and are now able to be called female athletes. Female athletes all over the world are making history that seemed impossible to.…
“One of The Girls” by Leslie Heywood is a wonderful article about women proving themselves in the world of sports. It begins with the story of Gertrude Ederle who defied the odds of being a woman and swimming the English Channel. She blew everyone out of the water and swam it two hours faster than any man ever had. She knew from the very start this task could be done, but her ultimate goal was to prove she could do better than the record, set by a man. The other example in the article is set forty-one years later in Boston, Massachusetts.…
Due to technological advancements, women had an abundance of free time; with this time on their hands, women found themselves playing sports competitively making the 1920’s a “Golden Age” of sports for women. Female athlete’s accomplishments changed the course of sports for women today. During this time…
As a person can see, Lesley Visser had a passion for sports. Through her supportive parents and self perseverance she graduated from Boston College with a degree in English, with the hopes of becoming a sports broadcaster or writer (CITE). Visser quotes, "Being a sports writer was the only thing I ever wanted to do since I was 11 years old,” and little did she know, years later, she would become the most successful female broadcaster in American history…
The central idea of Why Sports History is American History by Mark Naison, is that sports have helped end racism and gave girls more opportunities. In the article Mark Naison writes, “For the first time, white men joyously celebrated the triumphs of black men.” This quote proves that whites and blacks were celebrating the same victory together for the first time. Also, in the section Woman Fight to Play it is written, “In 1964, the law called Title IX was passed to help women get more access to sports. The law states that no one should be stopped from joining a school program based on their sex if that program is funded by the U.S. government.”…
BULLETED OUTLINE THESIS: Female athletes are awarded less prize money as a result of fewer opportunities in the sports industry. • The media coverage of female sports is significantly lower than men’s sports. • There is inadequate funding of women’s sports. • Sport organizations are typically made up of male executives.…
Argument ESSAY There has always been an argument about whether major sports leagues should draft players out of high school. Truthfully, they should be focusing on college and getting a degree before they consider hitting the professional playing field. Should these growing adolescents continue their education and graduate, or should they focus on the field? For young adults, college is an important step into the real world, whereas for student athletes, it should be extra important. According to Cynthia Lalley, "The league (NBA) wants to keep the best players in college for marketing purposes to ensure they receive an education.…
Gender Barriers in Sport." 13 Feb. 2008. Web. Flynn, Scott. “Athletic Women Vs.…
Persuasive Essay There has been a lot of controversy over whether or not girls should or should not be able to play on boys sports teams. This has been a growing topic throughout the United States due to the growing factor of women’s equality. There are a lot of things that become risks when you throw girls in the mix with boys, which is why I believe that girls should not be allowed to play on the boy’s sports teams. I believe this statement for a number of reasons, but there is one that stands out to me more than any other. The main reason for me is that boys are not allowed to play on girls sports teams so why should girls be allowed to play on the boys teams?…
In addition she emphasizes girls health and improved how society views girls. Studies show that sports make girl healthier, both physically and emotionally. Finally, stamper concludes that as the debate over Title IX continues,…
Many of the appalling injustices of sexism in America are not always against women. Several are also in opposition to men in the form of reverse sexism. One example includes how multiple girls are allowed to participate in boy’s football while boys are not allowed to play girl’s sports. Various reasons might cause this from saying that boys are too aggressive in sports, that boys are usually bigger and stronger than girls at this stage, or it also might be that schools view boys as athletically superior to girls which has no place in America.…
Outside of the educational aspects of gender equality, many professional sports teams are a part of this mistreatment. Women in order to be treated as equals, men need to see them as equals. For example, men are offered bigger income checks at the end of the year if they play sports. Many people’s opinions across the world have been that women are too fragile to play in male dominate sports. This unequal…
Benefits of Title IX and NCCA principles of gender balance in sports. One of the most crucial benefits of the legislation is the improvement of the position of the woman in society as far as gender roles and female involvement in sports is concerned. Before the feminist movement, the role of women in society had been restricted to domestic roles which comprised of taking care of the children and the homestead (Eitzen, 2016). The feminist movement brought about a recognition of the civil rights of the women and their involvement in social activities, sports included (Eitzen, 2016).…