Now we can start to talk about why we need oxygen for the performance? And the re-covery? Witch pathways are use for the 2 goal and what are the effects of a low con-centration of oxygen? Where hypoxia are useful and why? Why does it improve the performance?
What are the effects of the hyperemia …show more content…
In the air the basic form how you can find is O2 Dioxygen, the air contain around 20% of oxygen. Oxygen enter in the Human body by the respiratory system so pass by the mouth or nose , pharynx, larynx, trachea, main bronchi , then the lung and alveoli. For the take a breath the body needs the contraction of one muscle the diaphragm that needs energy. Energy needed is Adenine tri phosphate (ATP).
The oxygen pass in the blood at the level of alveoli in the lung, the exchange of gaze between lung and blood vessel is called Hematosis. The oxygen is a little molecule that can cross the membrane and passes to the blood. He is carry in the blood by a protein name Hemoglobin.
Hemoglobin is an allosteric protein that needs a quaternary structure for work. It is composed by 4 sub-units. Just for remind we will explain where does come from the protein.
Proteins are encoded in the DNA, Deoxyribonucleic acid is composed by a pentose a nitrogen base and phosphate, the basic unit is the nucleotide that are link by phospho-diester bond. DNA in the nucleus is transform in mRNA: Transcription. Transcription is possible only during the interphase. DNA can be found in 2 form of Chromatin: heterochromatin ( highly condensate, part of DNA that can t be transcripte, INACTIVE DNA ) and Euchromatin ( less condensate, usefull for the transcription, ACTIVE DNA