While neither of my parents served, but I had several of my friend’s parents served. The time period between two-thousand three and two-thousand six were tough times around Pensacola. While having troops sent overseas was tough on the community, and it certainly affected everyone around Pensacola it was nothing compared to the devastation of Hurricane Ivan. The events of September 11th dealt damage to Pensacola on primarily in the realm of emotional trauma, but Hurricane Ivan, however, unleashed a whole new world of devastation. While some think that Hurricane Katrina was worse than Hurricane Ivan, which on some levels is true, but that is not due to the physical forces at work rather the poor planning of the area. Had the levees not broken during Hurricane Katrina, the damage would have been significantly less, and reconstruction would have been a much easier process. That, however, was not the case. The damage dealt during Hurricane Ivan, however, was due to the immense force of the storm coming directly through …show more content…
This was most definitely the case with Hurricane Ivan. We left almost a week before Hurricane made landfall and headed to Birmingham to stay with our grandmother. Every night we tuned into the news coverage to see if Ivan had made landfall, but the day it did was seemingly the worst day in history. I remember sitting in front of the television in my grandmother’s kitchen and seeing the image of all of the boats in Bayou Grande stacked on top of each other. Another defining image would be the picture of the semi-truck on the Interstate Ten Bridge when the bridge