A major factor during the Renaissance was the revival of Greaco-Roman culture in the form of Humanism. Humanism involved the study and interpretation of the classical texts of Greek and Roman language, culture, politics, and philosophy"( Brotton, 9) it was a popular school of thought during the 1400-1600. Humanism was …show more content…
Luther 's unhappiness fueled his barrage against the Catholic Church. In 1517, Luther 's 95 thesis, he verbally attacked the churches indulgences and discussed his negative opinions about the church. As Martin Luther expressed his ideas more and more "Lutheranism began to spread across northern Europe, it spread faster than even Luther could control. In 1519, Charles V of Hapsburg added Austria to his dynastic inheritance but he was facing many struggles including the beginning of the nationalist revolts in northern Europe. Charles the V was "compounded by his difficulties and the rise of Lutheranism," so Charles condemned Luther as a ‘ notorious heretic '. (Brotton, 72)
The peasants war is an example of religion 's role in violence-according to Peter Marshall in places like Lubeck - Lutheranism was seen as an ideology for a "municipal coup d 'etat," adopted by middle-ranking guildsmen previously excluded from town government by rich patricians.(Marshall, 20) Certain aspects of Luther 's teachings were applied to personal …show more content…
Physics then was different from physics we know today. It consisted of four elements in which our world was made up of earth, water, air, and fire; in that order. natural force and forced motion also contributed to the world of physics and it was all relative to the four elements.
In cosmology, the earth was thought to be the center of the universe and the planets, the moon, and the sun rotated around it. The Humors involved coldness, dryness, heat, moisture, they were a way to keep the body balanced that revolved around the four elements. The body was seen as "a garden that needs to be tended" and there was an "emphasis on behavior and diet." (Traver, Natural Philosophy) The most important aspect of the humor was to keep the body in balance using different techniques including astrology and prayer. "The Aristotelian-Ptloemaic –Galenic world view became shared by intellectual property of educated Europeans not [only] because they felt compelled to submit to the authority of the ancients but because this cosmology offered a compelling and satisfying account of the world as they perceived it" -William Eamon, The Scientific Renaissance," in A companion to the Worlds of the Renaissance, p. 407 (Travers, Natural